Av Forskerforum
Publisert 31. august 2021 kl. 12:49
The wage scale was flat until 1991, when local negotiations led to deregulation.
Wages have become increasingly individualised ever since. According to the Norwegian Civil Service Union (NTL), local negotiations have become a reward system.
Those whose expertise is attractive to the private sector now command high salaries from academia, while those in the humanities, arts, etc. often earn far less. According to NTL private sector wages should not define university wages. Employers tend to use wages to recruit, retain or reward employees, but the unions’ role is to ensure that salaries are proportional to responsibilities.
The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR) does not share NTL’s goal of equalisation, but NAR also opposes unjustified disparities. Despite different salary policies, union affiliation has little impact on the gaps.